⭐ Official Crypto.org Partner on the Cronos mainnet! ⭐
What is Cronos?
Cronos is the second official blockchain by Crypto.org, with support for EVM/smart-contracts/MetaMask/...
Add easily the CRONOS Network to your MetaMask wallet by clicking here:

Welcome to 🇪🇺 EUROPA
This website is related to the Europa CRO validator node You can find more information about the validator on this page, and useful links.
What is a CRO validator?
Recently, Crypto.com start its own blockchain, a mainnet using the CRO token natively (it was originally an ERC-20 token from the Ethereum blockchain). The blockchain is more detailed on the Crypto.org website, this blockchain rely on a DPoS (Delegated Proof-of-Stake) algorithm.
This way, anybody can participate easily:
- You don’t need to be rich to participate and be rewarded. The minimal stake requirements is 1 CRO!
- You can stake or more exactly delegate/re-delegate (move your stake from a validator to another) as you want* (by performing a transaction on the CRO mainnet)
- You can start your own node** (like I did) and setup your commission rules. And so, people can delegate to your validator.
- You can also delegate to another validator, check their commission rates, …
*⚠️ WARNING: You can ask for unstake your CRO to your wallet when you want, but this action will NOT be immediate, you will need to wait ~28 days, it's a network time called "unbonding_time". There is also similar limitations to avoid you to redelegate too often.
**⚠️ WARNING: Only the top-100 validators are eligible, so if you are not able to enter the competition with the 80~90th nodes, you should delegate instead.
Which validator should I choose?
You can choose a validator on 4 criteria:
- The commissions rates applied by this validator (you can find it using the CRO Validator list link below).
- The trust you give the validator (if the validator goes offline, you will cease to receive rewards).
- Do you want to delegate to the richest validators (that will probably not goes offline soon…), or do you prefer to delegate to a smaller one and contribute to the decentralization of this blockchain.
- The rank of the validator, as only the top-100 nodes obtain rewards, You should avoid those ranked lower than 80th place.
How can I delegate some CRO to this validator?
You can use the Desktop Wallet from Crypto.com (still beta)
Using the Staking features, use the following Validator Address: crocncl1f5tczesgrq4p0que3qadekk56z3k5nj4ktcupv
Or you can use the DeFi wallet app on Android/iOS and search for "🇪🇺 Europa - 0% Commission"
⚠️ WARNING: You MUST use the Staking delegation feature ONLY. Do NOT try to send CRO directly on the validator address
Where the EUROPA validator is host?
To be 100% transparent, I currently use an OVH SoYouStart Dedicated Server “SYS-4-SSD-16” located in France.
Useful links
- EUROPA Validator Page
- Crypto.org Desktop Wallet
- Crypto.org DeFi Wallet App (Android)
- Crypto.org DeFi Wallet App (iOS)
- Crypto.org Website
- Crypto.com Website
- CRO Validator list
⭐ Starknet Validator ⭐
The Europa Validator is now live on the Starknet blockchain!
You can delegate your tokens to it and actively contribute to the network’s decentralization and security, using the following links:
- Stake on Europa Validator using Voyager Online website
- Stake on Europa Validator using StakingRewards website
You can also find my own step-by-step guide about how to make your own validator here: How to Become a Validator on Starknet (Phase 1): A Step-by-Step Guide